Muscicapidae (Old World Flycatchers)

Phylogenetic placement: Passeri: Passerides: Muscicapida: Muscicapoidea

Distribution: Africa, Eurasia, North America

Number of extant genera: ~51

Number of extant species: ~304


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Alström P, Rasmussen PC, Xia C, Gelang M, Liu Y, Chen G, Zhao M, Hao Y, Zhao C, Zhao J, Yao C, Eaton JA, Hutchinson R, Lei F, and Olsson U (2018), Taxonomy of the White-browed Shortwing (Brachypteryx montana) complex on mainland Asia and Taiwan: an integrative approach supports recognition of three instead of one species, Avian Res. 9, e:34. (free pdf)

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Liu Y, Chen G, Huang Q, Jia C, Carey G, Leader P, Li Y, Zou F, Yang X, Olsson U, and Alström P (2016), Species delimitation of the white-tailed rubythroat Calliope pectoralis complex (Aves, Muscicapidae) using an integrative taxonomic approach, J. Avian Biol. 47, 899-910. (free reading)

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Oliveros CH, Field DJ, Ksepka DT, Barker KF, Aleixo A, Andersen MJ, Alström P, Benz BW, Braun EL, Braun MJ, Bravo GA, Brumfield RT, Chesser RT, Claramunt S, Cracraft J, Cuervo AM, Derryberry EP, Glenn TC, Harvey MG, Hosner PA, Joseph L, Kimball RT, Mack AL, Miskelly CM, Peterson AT, Robbins MB, Sheldon FH, Silveira LF, Smith BT, White ND, Moyle RG, and Faircloth BC (2019), Earth history and the passerine superradiation, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 116, 7915-25. (pdf) 

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