Paridae (Tits & Chickadees)

Phylogenetic placement: Passeri: Passerides: Sylviida: Paroidea

Distribution: Africa, Eurasia, Philippines, North America

Number of extant genera: ~14

Number of extant species: ~66


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Illera JC, Koivula K, Broggi J, Päckert M, Martens J, and Kvist L (2011), A multi-gene approach reveals a complex evolutionary history in the Cyanistes species group, Mol. Ecol. 20, 4123-39. (abstract)

James HF, Ericson PGP, Slikas B, Lei FM, Gill FB, and Olson SL (2003), Pseudopodoces humilis, a misclassified terrestrial tit (Paridae) from the Tibetan Plateau: evolutionary consequences of shifting adaptive zones, Ibis 145, 185-202. (abstract) 

Jønsson KA, and Fjeldså J (2006), Determining biogeographical patterns of dispersal and diversification in oscine passerine birds in Australia, Southeast Asia and Africa, J. Biogeogr. 33, 1155-65. (abstract)

Johansson US, Ekman J, Bowie RCK, Halvarsson P, Ohlson JI, Price TD, and Ericson PGP (2013), A complete multilocus species phylogeny of the tits and chickadees (Aves: Paridae), Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 69, 852-860. (abstract)

Kuhl H, Frankl-Vilches C, Bakker A, Mayr G, Nikolaus G, Boerno ST, Klages S, Timmermann B, and Gahr M (2021), An unbiased molecular approach using 3'UTRs resolves the avian family-level tree of life, MolBiolEvol. 38, 108-127. (free pdf)

Moyle RG, Oliveros CH, Andersen MJ, Hosner PA, Benz BW, Manthey JD, Travers SL, Brown RM, and Faircloth BC (2016) Tectonic collision and uplift of Wallacea triggered the global songbird radiation, Nat. Commun. 7, e:12709. (free pdf)

Oliveros CH, Field DJ, Ksepka DT, Barker KF, Aleixo A, Andersen MJ, Alström P, Benz BW, Braun EL, Braun MJ, Bravo GA, Brumfield RT, Chesser RT, Claramunt S, Cracraft J, Cuervo AM, Derryberry EP, Glenn TC, Harvey MG, Hosner PA, Joseph L, Kimball RT, Mack AL, Miskelly CM, Peterson AT, Robbins MB, Sheldon FH, Silveira LF, Smith BT, White ND, Moyle RG, and Faircloth BC (2019), Earth history and the passerine superradiation, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 116, 7915-25. (pdf) 

Päckert M, Martens J, Eck S, Nazarenko AA, Valchuk OP, Petri B., and Veith M (2005), The great tit (Parus major) – a misclassified ring species, Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 86, 153-174. (free pdf)

Pourebrahimi S, Mirshamsi O, Ghasempouri SM, Moghaddam FY, and Aliabadian M (2022), Phylogeny and evolutionary history of the Sombre Tit, Poecile lugubris in the western Palearctic (Aves, Paridae), Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 167, e:107343. (abstract)

Stervander M, Illera JC, Kvist L, Barbosa P, Keehnen NP, Pruisscher P, Bensch S, and Hansson B (2015), Disentangling the complex evolutionary history of the Western Palearctic blue tits (Cyanistes spp.) – phylogenomic analyses suggest radiation by multiple colonisation events and subsequent isolation, Mol. Ecol. 24, 2477-94. (abstract)

Stiller J, Feng S, Chowdhury AA, Rivas-González I, Duchêne DA, Fang Q, Deng Y, Kozlov A, Stamatakis A, Claramunt S, Nguyen JMT, Ho SYW, Faircloth BC, Haag J, Houde P, Cracraft J, Balaban M, Mai U, Chen G, Gao R, Zhou C, Xie Y, Huang Z, Cao Z, Yan Z, Ogilvie HA, Nakhleh L, Lindow B, Morel B, Fjeldså J, Hosner PA, da Fonseca RR, Petersen B, Tobias JA, Székely T, Kennedy JD, Reeve AH, Liker A, Stervander M, Antunes A, Tietze DT, Bertelsen M, Lei F, Rahbek C, Graves GR, Schierup MH, Warnow T, Braun EL, Gilbert MTP, Jarvis ED, Mirarab S, and Zhang G (2024), Complexity of avian evolution revealed by family-level genomes, Nature (preview pdf)

Tietze DT, and Borthakur U (2012), Historical biogeography of tits (Aves: Paridae, Remizidae), Org. Divers. Evol. 12, 433-444. (abstract)